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Behind the Scenes

(click on photo to enlarge)

"Should I Do It?" as Ron Adkins

"Should I Do It?" as Ron Adkins

Bernie the Dolphin 2

Bernie the Dolphin 2

Sci Fi commerical

Sci Fi commerical

"Breaking Point" as Detective Thorne

"Breaking Point" as Detective Thorne

"Operator" as Officer Williams

"Operator" as Officer Williams

Photography by Monolopolus Productions

"Operator" as Officer Williams

"Operator" as Officer Williams

Photography by Monolopolus Productions

"Burn Notice" as Agent Fuller

"Burn Notice" as Agent Fuller

"Bleed Like Me" as Modano

"Bleed Like Me" as Modano

"Power of the Air" as Rubin

"Power of the Air" as Rubin

PSTA Shoot

PSTA Shoot

"Power of the Air"

"Power of the Air"

"Love Lost" as Adam

"Love Lost" as Adam

"Bleed Like Me" as Modano

"Bleed Like Me" as Modano

"Milano Menswear" shoot

"Milano Menswear" shoot

"Miserably Single" Premiere

"Miserably Single" Premiere

"Breaking Point" Premiere

"Breaking Point" Premiere

"Blueprint" Fashion Show

"Blueprint" Fashion Show

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